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Oferta tłumaczenia

Wykonam tłumaczenie z języka angielskiego na język japoński

Tłumaczenia pisemne:
150,00 zł / 1500 zzs.

Hello everyone!

I am a Japanese, living in Poland for over 9 years.

I have been working as a translator from Polish into Japanese and Japanese to Polish for over 4 years. In addition, I can translate the same way in English.

I am offering translation services below:

Types of translation:

     commercial and business translations,
     economic translations,
     marketing and advertising translations,
     website translations,
     food article translations,
     Humanities translations
     other translations,


One page of Office Word (about 1500 words) is about PLN 150.

The price depends on the type of translation.

2 pages of translation will be ready in the next day.

I invite you for cooperation .

biznes, handelgastronomiainnemarketingprzemysłtechniczne
Skontaktuj się z tłumaczem

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