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Oferta tłumaczenia

Wykonam tłumaczenie z języka angielskiego na język polski

Tłumaczenia ustne:
ustne konsekutywne
200,00 zł / 1 godz.
Tłumaczenia pisemne:
200,00 zł / 300 zzs.
200,00 zł / 300 zzs.
200,00 zł / 300 zzs.

Hey :D

I offer military translations as well as interpreting. I worked as a military interpreter for 2 years and I also specialized in medical translating and interpreting during this time. I translated Psychological texts as well and I can also do Business and Law in English. The same goes for gastronomy and the hotel industry lingo too.

biznes, handelgastronomiainnemedycynaprawoturystyka, hotelarstwo
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