Transkreacja to forma tłumaczenia, która idzie o krok dalej niż standardowe przekłady. Warto
translation: EN-DE(Swiss) / Business & Finance
Summa Linguae translation agency is looking for linguists interested in taking part in below project:
Language pairs: EN>DE(Swiss)
(native speakers - preferred, but not required)
Specialization: Business & Finance
If you are interested please send us:
proposed rate per source word or source page (our preferred currency is PLN)
to our email address: vmteam@summalinguae .com
In the subject field please write:
!R translation Business&Finance: EN>DE(Swiss) proposed rate per source word or source page (Last Name First name)
Language pairs: EN>DE(Swiss)
(native speakers - preferred, but not required)
Specialization: Business & Finance
If you are interested please send us:
proposed rate per source word or source page (our preferred currency is PLN)
to our email address: vmteam@summalinguae .com
In the subject field please write:
!R translation Business&Finance: EN>DE(Swiss) proposed rate per source word or source page (Last Name First name)
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