Transkreacja to forma tłumaczenia, która idzie o krok dalej niż standardowe przekłady. Warto
Tłumaczenie książki. Angielski na holenderski
Przykładowy tekst:
By the roadside stood a sign. It was old and weather-beaten, almost entirely covered by
scratches. But the letters were still as readable as when they were written many years ago.
In big, black letters it read:
Stay Away.
Ronin nodded at Azami and pointed at the sign.
“Whoever lives here does not like company very much,” she said.
“He will meet Gôsutu Mêkâ soon enough,” said Ronin.
“I have a couple of friends who would also like to meet him,”
Azami smiled as she pointed at her quiver.
“But first he must tell us everything he knows.”
“If it is him,” said Azami.
“Oh, it's him, all right. He's hiding here like a dirty rat.”
Ronin continued up a narrow path. He hadn’t gone far before he encountered yet
another sign.
Go back. Ahead lies only death.
Azami jumped off the horse and drew an arrow from her quiver. She glanced
nervously at Ronin, but he looked more angry than scared. “If he thinks he can frighten us
with these pathetic signs, he'd better think again,” he said.
“I'm a little scared,” Azami said.
Ronin put a hand on his sword and continued forward. Azami tied Daigoro to a tree
“Wait for me,” she called out.
The path was getting harder to follow. The two children fought their way through
scrubs and bushes with thorns and trees that had spikes the size of their hands. Above
them, the sky turned from blue to grey. Neither of them spoke. They just kept moving. It
was Azami who spotted the third sign. Ronin had passed it. Just like the other two, it was
almost obscured by bushes and scrubs, and halfway eaten by insects. But, as with the
other two signs, the letters on it were sharp as knives:
I am death.
Azami wanted to tell Ronin but changed her mind. He wouldn’t turn around
anyway. She got a good grip on her bow. Ahead waited one of the best and deadliest
samurais who had ever lived.
Azami caught up with Ronin. She readied an arrow on the bow, he had a hand on the hilt
of the sword. Neither of them spoke. The silence was deafening until Azami stopped
Ronin listened. “What? I don’t hear a thing.”
“Exactly. No birds, no animals, no wind. It is completely dead here.”
Ronin looked around. All the trees had withered, the branches were full of dead,
yellow leaves, and the shrubs were brown. The ground beneath them was grey.
Everything seemed dead. Ronin drew Gôsuto Mêkâ free. The sword broke the silence with
a delighted shriek.
Ronin placed a finger on his lips and looked at Azami, who drew her bow.
Ahead of them was a clearing, and on the edge of the clearing there was a cave.
Azami took aim at the entrance to the cave.
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