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editing, proofreading, learning

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10 ofert tłumaczeń
I'm looking for a specialist for proofreading and editing of my books (fiction and non-fiction). Welcome native.

Oferty (10 złożonych ofert)

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Dear Matt! I would be more than pleased to accept this cotract. Translating a book is always a pleasant and interesting job. Please contact me at: [e-mail ukryty]

Termin: 29 dni
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy

Data złożenia oferty: 26.11.2013 19:46

Hello Matt, I'm a Native English speaker living and working in Warsaw who happens to be a professional editor. I'm a writer, recipient of MFA in Writing, and a poet. You can contact me for more details at [e-mail ukryty]. Thank you.

Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy

Data złożenia oferty: 03.12.2013 01:57
Aneta Dembek
7 opinii

Hello Matt, I'm a student of English and I would be more than glad if you would like to work with me. I can offer you a professional approach and a low price. :) If you decide to give me the job, feel free to write me an e-mail!

Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy

Data złożenia oferty: 03.12.2013 21:17

Bardzo chetnie przyjme zlecenie! Prosze o kontakt: [e-mail ukryty]

Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy

Data złożenia oferty: 04.12.2013 18:06

Hello, we have a few good native speakers! if you are still looking for -you can write me [e-mail ukryty]

Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy

Data złożenia oferty: 05.12.2013 11:02

Hi Matt, I'm a native speaker in both languages (Polish and English) and I have many years of experience in proofreading, editing and translating. I currently live in Krakow but I spent most of my life in Australia so I am 100% comfortable in both languages. Contact me on [e-mail ukryty] Cheers

Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy

Data złożenia oferty: 12.12.2013 10:31
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