Transkreacja to forma tłumaczenia, która idzie o krok dalej niż standardowe przekłady. Warto
czeski–bułgarski, chorwacki, duński, estoński, fiński, grecki, litewski, łotewski, portugalski, rumuński, słoweński, szwedzki, węgierski, włoski
Big 4-year project: CS - BG, DA, EL, ET, FI, HR, HU, IT, LT, LV, MT, PT, RO, SL, SV
Summa Linguae Technologies is looking for translators who would like to participate in a 4 year project.
The scope of the project is to translate technical regulations in above language pairs.
Domain: legislative and/or regulatory texts of a technical nature.
Project starts in the beginning of March.
Required billing method: invoice.
Project requirements:
1. Proven work experience as a Translator [3 years University degree or equivalent qualification and at least 2 years of experience in the field of Translation]
2. Excellent proofreading skills with the ability to identify grammar, spelling and punctuation errors
3. Good knowledge of content editing tools
4. Familiarity with translation software
5. Additional certification in Linguistics is a plus
If you are interested in further details please drop us an email to vmteam@summalinguae .com and provide below information:
1. Your general capacity in pages per day (page = 1500 characters without spaces)
2. Your proposed rates per source page in EUR (page = 1500 characters without spaces)
3. Your resume in the Europass format in PDF
In the subject of the email please write:
(your language pairs) / 4-year project / your first name your last name
The scope of the project is to translate technical regulations in above language pairs.
Domain: legislative and/or regulatory texts of a technical nature.
Project starts in the beginning of March.
Required billing method: invoice.
Project requirements:
1. Proven work experience as a Translator [3 years University degree or equivalent qualification and at least 2 years of experience in the field of Translation]
2. Excellent proofreading skills with the ability to identify grammar, spelling and punctuation errors
3. Good knowledge of content editing tools
4. Familiarity with translation software
5. Additional certification in Linguistics is a plus
If you are interested in further details please drop us an email to vmteam@summalinguae .com and provide below information:
1. Your general capacity in pages per day (page = 1500 characters without spaces)
2. Your proposed rates per source page in EUR (page = 1500 characters without spaces)
3. Your resume in the Europass format in PDF
In the subject of the email please write:
(your language pairs) / 4-year project / your first name your last name
Pozostałe oferty
Dzień dobry, 4-letni projekt to brzmi zachęcająco. Proszę o wysłanie skanów na adres mailowy [e-mail ukryty] do darmowej wyceny. Pozdrawiam,
najlepsza tłumaczka języków duńskiego oraz rosyjskiego Julia Horyn
Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Data złożenia oferty: 20.02.2021 11:54
Oferty (1 złożona oferta)
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