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Polski - natywny Aangielski

Rekruter SLT Rekruter
Chcę otrzymywać oferty za całe zlecenie
Tłumaczenia zwykłe
1 oferta tłumaczeń
Summa Linguae Technologies translation agency is looking for freelance PL -EN (native) linguists interested in long term cooperation.
Language pairs: PL - EN (native English speakers).
Service type: translation, bilingual editing
Domain: general, marketing, clothing, cosmetics
CAT tool: required/willingness to learn
Please let us know your rate per source word in PLN for translation and bilingual editing.
Required billing method: invoice.
You need to be a registered sole proprietor of a company or issue us invoices via websites like Useme.
If you are interested in cooperation please send us your CV to: recruitment@summalinguae. com
In the subject field please write:
your language pair /domain/ Last Name First name

Pozostałe oferty

Welcome:)I am English translator (also interpreter) and university teacher:)I am interested in our cooperation.My key points:technical translations,business translations,translations related with EU issues and EC and legal matters as well. phone:512 437 409

Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy

Data złożenia oferty: 04.05.2021 17:43