Transkreacja to forma tłumaczenia, która idzie o krok dalej niż standardowe przekłady. Warto
English to Polish translations (subs)
•Excellent English understanding.
•Recognized translation qualification and/or translation/proofreading/editing experience in Polish.
•Native speaker in Polish.
•Must be able to meet deadlines.
•Commitment to upholding the company’s high translation standard.
•Must be equipped to work off-site (computer with Windows operating system, internet connection, e-mail access)
We provide the English subtitle template file, video file for reference and the translation software.
Interested applicants will have to pass a test.
Only applicants with relevant experience and/or education will be contacted.
To apply or for further details, please email *subwithsdi@ sdimedia .com*
Please put “Polish” and your name in the subject line.
Pozostałe oferty
I'm interested in your offer.
Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Hello, I am interested in your offer. I've got a degree in English and currently I am doing all sorts of translations and teaching English at Language School. I think I'll manage to provide some good subtitles as I have done some when studying.
Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Hello, I'm interested with your offer, i'm native Polish speaker and i know english well. I also have some experience with trans;ating subtitles.
Termin: 7 dni
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Hello, I am interested. I have experience in translating subtitles from English to Polish.
Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Hello , I am interested in Your offer. I am experienced in translating subtitles for films (including fragments of poetry ).I'm looking forward to the test:)
Termin: 1 dni
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
[e-mail ukryty]
Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Dear Sir or Madam, I am willing to take the test. I am an expierenced subtitle translator with a degree in Polish Philolohy and certified knowledge of English.
Termin: 30 dni
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
I am a native speaker in Polish, translator since 1979, very interested in translating subtitles. Experience in translation. Intrigued by the test, willing to take it. Mail: [e-mail ukryty]
Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Hello.I'm also willing to take your test. [e-mail ukryty]
Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Witam serdecznie,
Z chęcią wykonamy dla Państwa te tłumaczenia.
Z poważaniem,
Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Hello, I'm interested in taking the test. [e-mail ukryty]
Termin: do ustalenia
Oferta cenowa: widoczna dla zleceniodawcy
Oferty (17 złożonych ofert)
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