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Opinie na temat użytkownika

Devya Mehra
20 marca 2023

I have such a nice experience with Renata, she was too kind to adjust timing for my very urgent document on a quick notice, she is the kindest when it comes to translating and she did her work in a very professional manner.

16 marca 2023

I recommend Renata's service. Very professional, on time, and a very nice person. I had to request her service on short notice, for a live translation of a notary act. Everything went so well that we asked for her service a second time!

Kutenda Nyoka
13 marca 2023

Highly recommend her services. Translated my documents from English to Polish in a efficient manner

Konieczka Alicja
13 marca 2023

Skorzystaliśmy z usług Pani Renty juz pare razy i na pewno będziemy jeszcze współpracować w przyszłości. Serdecznie polecam Panią Renatę jako tłumacza polsko-angielskiego ! Pełen profesjonalizm.